"I'll help your audience discover their unique path to lifelong healthy eating and exercise habits" - Dr. Ed Abramson


"Dr. Abramson is the go-to authority on the why of weight gain"

I was a sedentary, overweight child; I liked my ice cream and volunteered to be the attendance monitor to avoid any exercise in my high school gym class. Still sedentary in graduate school, I chose to study emotions and eating for my doctoral research. It was intriguing and I was hooked! I’ve always been fascinated by the relationship of eating and exercise to health and psychological wellbeing. As a professor and clinical psychologist my career has focused on treating, writing, training, and giving talks and workshops dealing with eating, exercise, and weight. I’m pleased that my studies have benefited not only my students and therapy clients but also have been personally helpful. Although I don’t diet (and you shouldn’t either) my weight is in the normal range. I’ve gone from scrupulously avoiding exercise to a weekly routine that includes two workouts at a local gym and several outdoor walks or, when the weather is bad, riding a stationary bike. Rather than seeing exercising as a chore, I’ve come to look forward to and enjoy physical activity. I love sharing my methods for managing weight and overcoming exercise avoidance with skeptical workshop participants.


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